Kobo KB kettlebell training has been growing steadily in popularity because it focuses on basic training that requires functional, whole-body fitness. This is because lifting and controlling a kettlebell forces the entire body – and specifically the core muscles – to contract as a group. Kettlebell workouts engage multiple muscle groups at once, better mimicking physical activities such as digging, making them a perfect option for getting a whole body workout in a short time! Unlike traditional dumbbells, the kettlebell’s center of mass is extended beyond the hand. This allows you to perform swinging movements that are not possible with traditional dumbbells. Because more muscle groups are utilized in the swinging and movement of a kettlebell than during the lifting of dumbbells, kettlebell workouts are sometimes claimed to be more effective, better for improving joint mobility and to yield quick results.

Kobo KB Kettlebell
₹389.00 – ₹3,339.00
- Material: PVC
- Durable construction encased with color-coded vinyl to prevent corrosion, increase durability, reduce noise, protect flooring & enhance appearance.
- Smooth, high-quality slightly textured handle provides a comfortable & secure grip for high reps, makes chalk unnecessary for both men & women.
- Enable upright storage, ideal for renegade rows, handstands, mounted pistol squats & other exercises requiring a kettlebell with a flat bottom.
- The wide range of weights is ideal for anyone wanting to improve fitness.
- Kettle bell exercises build strength and endurance.
- Used for swings, deadlifts, squats, get-ups & snatches to work out many muscle groups and body parts including biceps, shoulders, legs, & more.
- Used to perform ballistic exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.
- Regular workout with this will give you a toned body.
- Kettlebell training is different than other forms of weight training because many parts of the body are exercised simultaneously, and in addition kettlebell training elevates the heart rate for effective cardiovascular training.
- Engage multiple muscle group at once.
- In-Box Contents: 1 Piece Kettlebell
WEIGHT | 2 Kg, 3 Kg, 4 Kg, 6 Kg, 8 Kg, 10 Kg, 12 Kg, 14 Kg, 16 Kg, 18 Kg, 20 Kg |
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