
Kobo OR-8 Olympic Box Barbell Rod

Original price was: ₹6,350.00.Current price is: ₹5,879.00.

  • Needle Bearing with Brass Bushing.
  • Guide shafts are 50 mm in diameter and 17 cm in length.
  • Barbell is 86 cm long.
  • Commercial grade knurling.
  • Forged steel construction.
  • Gives you some of the best free weight exercises to build a rock solid body!
  • 28 mm Hand Grip with Diamond Knurling.
  • In-box Contents: 1 x Exercise Bar.

Availability: In stock

Kobo OR-8 Olympic Box Barbell Rod/Square Bar/Biscep Tricep Bar is made of solid construction and effective in design, the Olympic Kobo Box Barbell Rod is made for everyday gym use, and designed for a snug fit in the hand. Featuring heavy duty structural integrity, the Olympic Box Barbell Rod is built to take a pounding and help you expand your range of exercises and with a Class A rating, the Olympic Box Barbell Rod is built to last a lifetime. The Olympic Box Barbell Rod is unmatched in its class and will give you solid and intense workout for many years to come! With the Kobo Olympic Box Barbell Rod you will have intense workouts for a variety of different muscle groups while maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts with a combination of core and strength workouts. The Olympic Box Barbell Rod provides some of the best, most effective strength training exercises. Use at the gym or at home to mix up your exercises and take your training to the next level!


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